We listen and work with you to find the right strategy to reach your goals. You have options for how to proceed through the divorce process and for some people the options change during the process depending on the needs of the client and the family. We are prepared to resolve issues outside of court using mediation and collaborative process, and we are also skilled and prepared to present your matter to a court or proceed to trial. Our team has a variety of backgrounds and skills to represent your interests.
Teresa Reade
Managing Attorney
"My goal is to look at the family holistically and help my clients get to a better place in their lives. I try to explain to them what their decisions may mean for their future and for their family.”
Teresa Reade works to help clients through the emotional and mental challenges that come along with the divorce process while educating them to choose their best path forward. She explains what is happening and what to expect to remove much of the discomforting uncertainty from the divorce process.
Richard Reade
Senior Attorney
“My goal is to help families move forward so everyone can be in the best situation possible.”
Richard Reade focused on litigation and trial practice when he was in law school, and he litigated with great success in several different areas of law for many years before he turned his talents to family law. He immediately found the practice of family law much more rewarding.
Nancy Mullins
Firm Manager
"I want people to feel comfortable around us, and to know that no matter what, it will all work out and they will be okay.”
When clients are struggling through the challenges of divorce, a custody battle, or other family law matters, Nancy Mullins is ready to go the extra mile to help in any way that she can. With both a tremendous sense of empathy and a keen sense of humor, Nancy is one of those rare individuals who truly is a good listener.
Kelly Maguire
Associate Attorney
Attorney Kelly Maguire has focused her practice on domestic relations law and is licensed to practice law in Massachusetts. She is also a licensed Mediator with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and believes it is extremely important for her clients to maintain as much control and decision making power as possible.