Getting Divorced In Massachusetts: What To Know
Deciding to file for divorce is rarely an easy decision, and the process that follows can be emotionally exhausting and legally complicated, especially if you have children or substantial assets.
At Reade Law Firm, PC, we help clients navigate the process, working to minimize stress and help you end up in a good place — emotionally and financially.
No-Fault Vs. Fault Divorce
Massachusetts offers the option of no-fault divorce, which means you and your spouse simply need to affirm that your marriage has irretrievably broken down; you do not need to prove that either person did something wrong that caused the marriage to fail. Many people choose this option, since it is usually easier and less expensive than proving fault.
In certain circumstances it may be beneficial to file a fault divorce. In this case, you need to prove that your spouse has done something wrong. Massachusetts law recognizes several grounds for fault divorce, including adultery, alcohol abuse, abusive treatment, and desertion.
Who Can File For Divorce In Massachusetts?
You can file for divorce in Massachusetts if at least one of the following is true:
- You have lived in the state for at least one year
- You and your spouse have lived as a married couple in Massachusetts for any length of time
- Whatever caused your marriage to break down happened in Massachusetts
We Can Help You Reach Agreements Outside Of Court
If you and your spouse cannot agree on the terms of the divorce, you may have a contested divorce, in which a court determines property division, custody or other areas of contention.
In the interest of saving you time, money, and stress, we will work with you, your spouse, and your spouse’s attorney to negotiate a divorce settlement that works for both of you, if at all possible. However, if you and your spouse cannot reach an agreement, we are fully prepared to advocate for your interests in court.
Call To Learn More About Getting Divorced In Massachusetts
For a consultation with a lawyer at our Peabody office, call Reade Law Firm, PC, at (978) 767-8383 or send us an email. We have extensive experience in family law courts throughout Essex County and Middlesex County.